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Mrs. Pam O'Hara Preschool 3 Teacher


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Pam O'Hara
Preschool 3 Teacher
Pam O'Hara image

Hello my name is Pam O'Hara. I received a Bachelor Degree in Elementary Education from Northern Illinois University.  This is my eighth year at St. Francis Xavier School. In addition to teaching Preschool 3 at St. Francis Xavier, I had previously taught for thirteen years, twelve of which were in first grade, before staying home with my four children. My family and I have been members of St. Francis Xavier Parish since 2002 and all of my four children have attended the day school. In my spare time, I love to travel and spend time with my husband, Jim, and my children, Matthew and his wife Sydney, Reilly, Erin, Colin and our dogs, George and Buck. I hope that you will all love the St. Francis Xavier School community as much as my family and I have!




Phone: 708-588-1472 Email: Pam O'Hara