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Saint Francis Xavier Parish


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Approved SAFE SNACK LIST (Peanut & Tree Nut FREE)


Thank you for reading the labels and discussing the topic of safe snacks with your child!

When choosing a peanut free snack for your child’s class, it is important to ALWAYS check the label on the package to make sure it is free of peanuts and nuts of all kinds. This list is only to serve as a resource. It is in no way complete and is subject to manufacturer recalls and mislabeling. Manufacturers may have changed their equipment or product line and method since you last purchased an item from this sheet. READING LABELS: Some manufacturers clearly state if a product has peanut or nuts in it while others, it is almost hidden. PLEASE READ THE LABELS, each time you purchase. Do not purchase items with the allergy and ingredient alert such as: “May Contain Peanut or Tree Nuts” “Processed on shared equipment with Peanuts or Tree Nuts” “Manufactured in a plant with Peanut or Tree Nuts” “Contains Peanut or Tree Nut Ingredients” Thanks you for taking the time to read the labels and discussing the topic of “safe snacks” with your child! Your diligence is keeping an allergic child safe at school.  You may download and print the list by clicking on this link:  SFX SAFE SNACK LIST - Revised 10/20/2022