The Leadership of St. Francis Xavier Church is here to help you every way we can.  Please let us know how we might be of assistance to you.

Buildings & Grounds Committee

The Building and Grounds Committee is a consultative body which assists the Pastor and the Business Manager in planning for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of property and equipment.  The Committee meets approximately six times per year.

Recent significant projects completed with the guidance and under the oversight of the Committee include the renovations of the school cafeteria (Joyce Hall) and gymnasium.  The Committee also was instrumental in guiding the parish through the addition of our new gathering space, Unity Hall.

We greatly value the Building & Grounds Committee and are blessed to have extraordinarily  knowledgeable, talented and committed parishioners serving as members.If you have an expertise in this area and are interested in joining, please contact Peter Brown, Director of Operations, at the rectory.

The current members of the Buildings and Grounds Committee are:
    Jim Andreoni
    Frank Mungo
    Keli Dudek
    Clay Edwards
    Patrick Lach

Finance Council

The Parish Finance Council is a consultative body that assists the Pastor in the administration and stewardship of parish resources.The Council meets on a regular basis with a specific agenda and has access to all the relevant financial information and policies of the parish.  In addition to reviewing financial statements on regular basis, the Finance Council reviews and provides input in the formulation of the annual budget and assists in the formulation and communication of the annual Financial Report to the parish.  The Parish Council is consulted for any commitment of parish resources in excess of $10,000; Archdiocesan approval is needed in excess of $40,000.  The Parish Council reviews internal controls and procedures, and periodically reviews bank reconciliation reports.  Importantly, the Finance Council considers the long-term financial needs of the parish, helping the Pastor in the establishment and oversight of the Parish Endowment Funds and advising on the need for extraordinary fund-raising (Capital Campaigns), and on the application of undesignated bequests and memorials received from time to time.

Here at St. Francis, we greatly value our Finance Council and are blessed to have extraordinarily knowledgeable, talented and committed parishioners serving in this capacity.

The members of the Finance Council are:
    Cathy Bier
    Carolyn Broughton
    Mike Bruni
    Tom Kostal
    Rob Metzger
    Jim Owen

    Meredith Ritchie
    John Schaff

If you have a question for the council, please email, or call the rectory for assistance.


Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)

The purpose of the PPC is to serve as a sounding-board for the pastor, offering input and advice regarding various issues that relate to the life of the St. Francis Xavier Parish. These may be brought to the PPC by the pastor, members of the PPC, or other parishioners. Because the PPC is drawn from a wide cross section of the parish, it provides the pastor a collective wisdom from which he can draw in the exercise of his pastoral leadership of the parish.

The members of the PPC are:
    Curt Aronson
    Elizabeth Cooley
    Beth Dimarco
    Laura Duelm
    Mike Hattie
    Barb Kalnes
    Lindsey Mackenzie
    Marko Magajne
    Tony Pangan
    Alex Ruff
    Carolyn Simone
    Jody Wise
    Phil Zadeik

If you have any questions, please contact Parish Pastoral Council Chair, Mr. Curt Aronson at or 630/215-4113.