Wedding Planning
Congratulations on your engagement!
We are happy to review possible dates with the bride and groom. You are asked to schedule the church before you sign a contract with a reception venue, just in case the church is not available on the date you are requesting. Please contact Maureen Pipal at the rectory office (708-352-0168) or to schedule your wedding. We prefer that you are a registered parishioner for 6 months before scheduling your wedding, or are related to a registered parishioner. However, people who are not registered are encouraged to still call and talk to Maureen.
Saturday weddings are scheduled at 1:00 and 3:00. Some Fridays are also available. Rehearsals are usually scheduled on Friday evenings. Also, we do not schedule weddings during the season of Lent.
Click to see our Wedding Booklet, where many of your questions will be answered.
Click to learn more about the St. Francis Music Ministry.