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Saint Francis Xavier Parish


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BASE Before and After School Extended Care at SFX


Operated by the Park District of LaGrange and located on-site at St. Francis Xavier School, BASE - Before & After School Recreational Experience Child Care for SFX students in grades PK4 and older, exists to meet the needs of working parents and their children. One of the major goals of The Before and After School Program is to create a safe, secure and comforting environment and recreational experience for each child. We want the children to feel as if they were at home and our parents to have peace of mind.

The BASE Program is planned in response to the developmental needs of the children served. The Child Care program overlaps to some extent with both home and school, but has a separate identity. Since the BASE Program uses a block of time in which the child would ordinarily be at home, the program strives for more characteristics of home than school. The key to a successful program is to provide a recreational, safe, flexible and enriched curriculum with age appropriate activities to meet the developmental needs of the children and support to the family. The BASE program responds to a child’s need to be responsible, independent, and a contributor to the group. The program is also designed to emphasize and promote a positive self-concept in each child.




BASE registration begins in the Spring :

  • All registration is in person at the Park District of La Grange, 536 East Ave., La Grange.
  • Please have your packets complete and legible when you register. CLICK HERE for REGISTRATION PACKET.  Registration packet may be found on our BASE website under SFX registration. www.pdlg-base.org
  • The registration fee is $75.00 per child.
  • Each child needs a registration packet completed. Please do not put more than one child on a registration form.

Registrations will be processed in the order we receive them. Please note that space is limited, therefore, once we reach capacity you will be put on a waiting list. Submitting a registration form does not guarantee a spot. When your registration form and payment are processed, we will email a confirmation of your enrollment. Families that are put on the wait list will also receive notification via email. It is important that you include a legible and current email address on your registration form.

After the registration period, BASE will be sending out updates periodically with BASE information for the school year.  If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via a phone call or email. We look forward to providing your children with excellent care in a safe and fun environment in the coming school year. We look forward to seeing you at registration! 



  • Expected hours of operation for 2022-2023
    • Before School AM Monday - Friday:  6:45 am – start of school 8:00 am - 8:20 am
    • After School PM Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri:  3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
    • After School PM Wednesday: 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm