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Saint Francis Xavier Parish


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Early Childhood: Pre-School 3, PreK 4 & Kindergarten



St. Francis Xavier School’s admissions process takes place primarily between the months of November and February, for new families who wish to enroll their child(ren) for the following school year.  However, enrollment of new students will continue throughout the year as classroom space allows.  In situations where there are more applicants than vacancies in a particular grade level, students will be placed on a waitlist and parents will be notified.  (Refer to WAITLIST information below). 

Please note that parishioners of St. Francis Xavier Parish are given first consideration for their children to be accepted into our parish school. St. Francis Xavier Parish School welcomes children and does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, loan programs, athletic, or other school-administered programs. Non-Catholic students: Parents must understand that participation in Catholic religious instruction and school activities related to the Catholic identity of the school are required.   Admission Criteria can be found in our School Handbook.

Prior year applications for NEW students who are NOT currently attending our school do not carry over year to year.  If your child does not currently attend St. Francis Xavier Parish School, you must re-apply should you remain interested in St. Francis Xavier School.


The State of Illinois has set September 1st as the deadline for reaching the required age in order to be admitted to school. This means a child must be the required age on or before September 1st. St. Francis Xavier Parish School abides by these requirements: PS-3: Three years old; PS-4: Four years old; Kindergarten: Five years old; 1st Grade: Six years old. All students must be potty trained.  No diapers or pull-ups are allowed.

All requirements listed below must be received to be eligible for Early Childhood enrollment:

  1. Early Childhood Registration Form (one per child). It is essential that this form be fully completed. Please email Director of Marketing and Enrollment, Erin Smith  enrollment@sfxlg.org to request registration forms.
  2. ORIGINAL city or county birth certificate, which includes birth number – please note that a hospital certificate or state registration form is not acceptable. Copies of Birth Certificates are not acceptable. Originals will be returned.
  3. Baptismal certificate, including those baptized at St. Francis Xavier Church. (If your child was baptized at St. Francis Xavier Parish and you need a copy of the certificate, there is a place to indicate your request on the enrollment application.)
  4. Registration Fee:  $150.00 per student non-refundable* registration fee payable by check.  We are unable to accept credit cards for the registration fee.  *The registration fee check will NOT be deposited until a prospective student’s acceptance has been confirmed. Once a family is offered and accepts a space in the school, the fee is non-refundable.
  5. Special Services (if applicable): If the child(ren) currently receives, or at any time has received additional academic or behavioral support (including at IEP, 504 Plan, or Student Support Plan) or special medical, vision, hearing, or speech services, please provide documentation of the services received.  Documentation will be reviewed in order to determine the school’s ability to meet those needs.


  • In person to the school at 145 N. Waiola Avenue, LaGrange.  During the school year: Monday - Friday between the hours of 7:45 AM - 3:00 PM .  
  • Drop off in a sealed envelope through the mail slot at the St. Francis Xavier Parish Rectory at 124 N. Spring Avenue LaGrange, IL (when the school building is closed)
  • Mail the required documents by USPS to the school marked “ATTENTION: ENROLLMENT” to: St. Francis Xavier School 145 N. Waiola Avenue LaGrange, IL 60525. 

In situations where there are more applicants than vacancies in a particular grade level, prospective parents will be notified and students will automatically be placed on a wait list. If an opening becomes available, students on the waitlist will be given priority for those openings in the order that all requirements for enrollment were received. 

  • The waitlist does not carry over from year to year.  
  • If your child does not currently attend St. Francis Xavier Parish School, you must re-apply should you remain interested in St. Francis Xavier School.  Prior year applications for NEW students who are NOT currently attending our school do not carry over year to year.
  • If at any time you wish to be removed from the waitlist, please contact the Director of Marketing and Enrollment, Erin Smith at enrollment@sfxlg.org.