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Saint Francis Xavier Parish


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Registration/ Tuition Information










Thank you for your interest in the St. Francis Xavier Religious Education. Registration for the 2025- 2026 RE School Year is now closed.

Registration for the 2025 -2026 School Year will open on Saturday, March 15, 2025.

Please note that families must be registered parishioners in St. Francis Xavier Parish in order for children to be accepted in our program.

Click here to register as a parishioner: New Parishioner Registration

NEW STUDENTS: Please be sure to click new student on the Google Registration form. If your child has not been baptized at St. Francis Xavier or made his/her First Communion at our parish, then you need to email us a copy to sfxreligioused@sfxlg.org or drop off a copy of these certificates at the office within a week of submitting the Registration Form and Payment or we CAN NOT process the registration.


RETURNING STUDENTS: Please be sure to click returning student on the Google Registration form for students who are in our program this year in First through Seventh Grade.


HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: If your child will be a freshman this coming year (2025-2026) and is NOT currently in our 8th Grade Program, please contact the office for more information, sfxreligioused@sfxlg.org. Confirmation Prep is now done in 7th and 8th Grade with the reception of the sacrament in November of their Freshman Year.


The 2025-2026 program will offer families two options

We will offer:

  • An in person bi-monthly grade level program held on Sunday mornings from 9:15AM – 10:45AM or Wednesday afternoons from 4PM – 5:30PM. Students are only allowed to have 3 absences total. If there are more than 3 absences for in person learning every situation will be determined on a case to case basis.

(In person class registration will open on March 15, 2025)

  • A virtual asynchronous grade level program with lessons being released bi-monthly on Sundays. Those in the online program will receive a You Tube Video link for each class, which will taught by a catechist (pre-recorded). Once the lesson is viewed there will be a Google Form that will need to be completed with questions from that lesson. This is the way we will take attendance. All Google forms must be turned in to get credit for the year in a timely manner. (All 1st Semester Google Forms must be turned in by January 2, 2026 as these forms will close.)

(Online class registration will open March 15, 2025)


Families are strongly encouraged to also attend Mass at least twice a month and will receive a separate weekly Google Form to complete for “car ride” home liturgy discussions in our Weekly Parent Newsletter.


It is VERY IMPORTANT that you register your children at their grade level to stay on track with Religious Education and for receiving of Sacraments.

Classes will be held mid September 2025 - end of April 2026.  The 2025-2026 Calendar can be found HERE.


Click here to register your child/children: 2025-2026 Registration Form


Tuition Rates for the 2025-2026 School Year

$325 – 1 child full payment*

$405 – 2 children full payment*

$475 – 3 or more children full payment*

*Book fee is already included in tuition above

$25 – extra book fee for each child after 3 children

(Tuition Rates will increase August 31, 2025)

Sacramental fees:
$75 for First Eucharist

$50 for Fourth Grade Reconciliation
$20 Bible fee for Sixth Grade

$75 for Confirmation


 All fees may be paid online by clicking HERE

If you prefer to pay by cash or check, you can drop off at the rectory at 124 N. Spring Ave., LaGrange between the hours of 9AM – 4PM Monday – Friday. Please make sure to put your child/children’s names on the envelope and “Religious Education Registration.”

**Please note: If you are not paying tuition in full at this time a $100 non-refundable deposit toward your tuition must be made for your child/children to be registered. **

PLEASE EMAIL:   sfxreligioused@sfxlg.org if you have any questions.