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Saint Francis Xavier Parish


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Ignite Benefit






The annual SFX Ignite Benefit will be held on Saturday, April 26 at Countryside Banquets!

Our hope is that Ignite '25 serves to celebrate the legacy of the St. Francis Xavier School and our enduring family of faith, while helping to raise the vital funds needed to help bridge the $2,100 gap between the cost of tuition and the actual cost to educate a student at SFX. In addition, Ignite raises the vital funds needed to provide well-earned teacher bonuses to our incredible teachers and staff.

Ignite brings together nearly 400 parents, alumni, parishioners and friends for an evening that includes entertainment, a live and silent auction, a premium bar with heavy hor d'oeuvres and more!

This year, our annual Ignite Medal Award will be given to our beloved Coach John Mulholland, who served as our Cross Country & Track coach for over 20 years. He was a leader, coach and mentor - fully embodying the SFX mission. Coach Mul passed away suddenly in December, just a few short weeks after Principal Bajner and our Ignite Chairs had the honor of meeting with him to let him know he would be receiving this honor. Ignite is about celebrating the SFX family, and this year will hold a special significance as we remember how blessed we were to have Coach Mul serve the SFX family for all these years.